Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Drywall Delivered!

My realtor sent me more pictures of the house. It doesn't look much different--but I can see the progress that has been made. The walls have been sprayed green, the plumbing has been fully installed, and most importantly--THE DRYWALL HAS BEEN DELIVERED! 

My project manager calls me every Friday, and when we spoke this past Friday he said that they would begin installing the drywall, and perhaps the siding, this week. I'm hoping it doesn't rain too much more so they can get the siding done.
 ---I'm going to give them 2-3 weeks then the kids and I will drive up to see the progress. I'm thinking that the  drywall will be completely installed by then so that will be a great time to visit.


  1. HI Nicole, This is another exciting phase of the build. Before they drywalled our home--I spent three days inscribing scriptures throughout each room. It was only because I could not stop at one positive statement. lol You may find that there are some places you get to inscribe special words throughout your house when you get there. The kids may enjoy finding a location in there rooms too. It is only going to take them one week to do the drywall/mudding/taping. When you get there they should have accomplished a lot of work within these next three weeks.

    1. Awe, that is beautiful. I would have never even thought to do something like that. I've actually typed and framed some of my favorite scriptures and hung them around my house and on my cubicle at work, but I never would have thought about writing them on the walls of my house before the walls go up...what an awesome idea!
      It's too bad that I won't be able to drive up to the house sooner. By the time I get there the drywall will be up and who knows...maybe even the first coat of paint. I love that idea though.... :-)

    2. After they put the drywall up, I found places that were still uncovered. For instance, the fireplace, the gourmet island on the back was not covered, the counter top where all the granite goes, inside the cabinets before the granite is installed, along the base of the garage foundation, window sills that were not painted, etc etc. I would be ready with the inscriptions for these untouched places just in case.

    3. Oh, Okay! I will be prepared when I go. Thanks Nadase!

    4. Almost forgot, I think around the perimeter of the bathtubs and the wall where they intend to install the ceramic.

    5. I start gathering my scriptures tonight and be sure to take them and a sharpie when I go up there on 10/26 or 11/2 (haven't decided which). Thanks again---I'm very excited :-)

    6. My pleasure! I did want to see you miss out on this awesome opportunity. You get to be inspector gadget for the day. lol finding those perfect open spots.
